Consider, your wife forces you to get separated from your (husband's) parents or from your joint family. If the husband is not willing to get separated but your wife pressurizes you to break all relations from your family and live together separately.
After the marriage, the wife is expected to live with the husband and with his family. And, if the wife forces her husband to live separately without any sole reasons like she wants husbands full income, she wants shelter with husband only and not with his parents then the husband can get a divorce from his wife on the ground of cruelty.
In that case, you can file a petition for divorce under Section 13(1)(i-a) of the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955. You can file the divorce petition on the ground that the wife putting pressure on the husband to get separated from his family. Due to this the husband goes under depression and results in mental cruelty.
In the Hindu religion, they follow the pious obligation, here pious means religious, devout, or Godly. And the obligation means duty or Karma of the Hindu person.
So, the pious obligation means a duty of a Hindu person due to deep deviation from the Hindu religion.
There are two principles in Hindu Law, one is independent and standard of autonomous coparcenary rights in the son which is an incident of birth, giving to the son vested rights in the coparcenary property and the other one is the pious duty of a son to furnish all the debts of his deceased father which are not tainted with illegality or immorality.
Under Hindu Law, the son is under pious obligation to furnish his father's debts. Let's discuss it in detail.
In the case of Narendra v/s K Meena, 2016, the Supreme Court held that the continuous efforts of the wife to force the husband to get separated from his parents and family, it would torturous to the husband and can go under depression. Such continuous act of wife would result in the act of cruelty.
After the marriage, the woman becomes a part of the husband’s family and cannot seek to separate him from his parents for the sole reason that she wants to entirely enjoy his income.
The court also stated that if the wife threatened her husband to commit suicide, wild allegations of extramarital affairs also amount to mental cruelty.